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My Blog serves the information and consultation concerning to Law and Infrastructure Development in Indonesia.
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Regards, Dr. Iwan E. Joesoef, SH., Sp.N., M.Kn
Lecturer & Researcher

Jumat, 31 Agustus 2012

Proses kegiatan KPS

            Proses kegiatan KPS ada beberapa tahap utama. Umumnya dibagi dalam dua fase yaitu fase pembangunan dan fase realisasi. Dalam fase pembangunan didahului dengan tahap inisiasi yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan tahap: the service need, option appraisal, business case, project development, bidding process, project finalization-review, dan final negotiation. Setelah selesai tahap ini dilakukan kesepakatan pembiayaan dengan pihak pemberi pinjaman (financial close). Pada saat financial close, paket pembiayaan telah disetujui. Pemberi pinjaman komit dengan pembiayaan proyek berdasarkan selesainya kerangka kerja kontrak antara Pemerintah dan investor (badan usaha) atau penandatangan kontrak KPS, sebagai syarat untuk mendapatkan financial close.[1]
            Paska tahap financial close, fokus secara khusus diarahkan pada manajemen kontrak. Pada saat kontrak telah ditandatangani maka badan Pemerintah harus mengatur tanggungjawab monitoring pelaksanaan kontrak, yaitu: design stage, construction stage, operating stage, sampai terjadinya proses re-tender. Dalam hal ini investor swasta membentuk special purpose vehicle (SPV) sebagai badan hukum yang terpisah untuk melaksanakan proses kegiatan KPS ini.[2]
            Para pihak berusaha untuk menghindari perselisihan selama proses kegiatan KPS. Namun apabila tidak dapat dihindari, berbagai metode penyelesaian perselisihan tersedia, mulai dari negosiasi-negosiasi informal antara para pihak, intervensi formal pihak ketiga, sampai pada proses hukum (legal proceedings), yaitu:[3]
a.   Negotiation – “the most common form of dispute resolution where the parties themselves attempt to resolve the dispute”;
b.   Mediation – “a private and structured form  of negotiation assisted by a third party that is initially non-binding. If settlement is reached it can become a legally binding contract”;
c.   Conciliation – “as mediation, but a conciliator can propose a solution”;
d.   Neutral evaluation – “a private and non-binding technique whereby a third party, usually legally qualified, gives an opinion on the likely outcome at trial as a basis for settlement discussions”;
e.   Expert determination - “a private process involving an independent expert with inquisitorial powers who gives a binding decision”;
f.    Adjudication – “an expert is instructed to rule on technical issue, primarily used in construction disputes, where awards are binding on the parties at least on an interim basis or until a further process is invoked”;
g.   Arbitration – “a formal, private and binding process where the dispute is resolved by the decision of a nominated third party, the arbitrator or arbitartors”;
h.   Litigation – “the formal process whereby claims are taken through the civil courts and conducted in public. The judgements are binding on parties subject to rights of appeal”.
Dr. Iwan E. Joesoef, SH., Sp.N., M.Kn

[1] Grimsey and Lewis, 196.
[2] Ibid.              
[3] Ibid., 198-199.

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